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Striving For Excellence
We ensure each student gets an excellent educational experience that prepares them to successfully compete in a global market.
Learn about our Leadership Academy Defense Model for our 10th and 12th Grade students.
Academic Opportunities
Learn about what classes and pathways are offered at Bryan Adams High School Leadership Academy.
Bryan Adams Athletics
Learn about our BA Athletics programs!
ASP (Academic Success Program)
Learn about our ASP advisors and what ALL Bryan Adams High School Leadership Academy students receive.
Upcoming events
On the Horizon
recent highlights
news from our community
Custom Tab treatment - Option One
Dallas ISD offices and schools will be closed Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Students and teachers return Tuesday, January 21.
Saturday, January 25
9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Fair Park - Automobile Building
3809 Grand Ave., Dallas, TX 75210
The Dallas Independent School District is sharing important information about a data breach that has affected Dallas ISD and many other districts.
eager to learn and driven to excel
Go cougars